Search code examples

Get attribute slug value by variation ID in Woocommerce

I'm building a custom product page but I have problems with variations

This is my code:

global $product;
$variations = $product->get_available_variations();

foreach($variations as $variation)

     $variation_id = $variation['variation_id'];

     $variation_obj = new WC_Product_variation($variation_id);

     //THIS IS PROBLEM FAIL TEST (It's exemple)
     $type = $variation_obj->get_attributes()->get_name();

     $stock = $variation_obj->get_stock_quantity();
     $COD = $variation_obj->get_sku();
     $regularprice = $variation_obj->get_regular_price();
     $saleprice = $variation_obj->get_sale_price();
     $diff = $regularprice-$saleprice;

     echo "<p>Variation: " .$type."</p>";
     echo "<p>P.Code: " .$COD."</p>";
     echo "<p>Regular price: ".$regularprice."</p>";
     echo "<p>Sale price: ".$saleprice."</p>";
     echo "<p>Difference: ". $diff."</p>";
     echo "<p>Stock: ".$stock."</p>";

I am wondering if it is possible to extract the single name of the attribute or variation ?

or the name of the variation without the full title?

example: I want "blue"... not "Magic beautiful Pouf Lumaland - blue"


  • The array of attributes slug values is included in the $variation array. So try this instead:

    global $product;
        $variations = $product->get_available_variations();
        foreach($variations as $variation)
            $variation_obj = wc_get_product($variation['variation_id']);
            // Variation can have many poduct attributes
            $attr_slugs = implode(', ', $variation['attributes']);
            $stock = $variation_obj->get_stock_quantity();
            $COD = $variation_obj->get_sku();
            $regularprice = $variation_obj->get_regular_price();
            $saleprice = $variation_obj->get_sale_price();
            $diff = $regularprice-$saleprice;
            echo "<p>Var Name: " .$attr_slugs."</p>";
            echo "<p>Var Name: " .$COD."</p>";
            echo "<p>regular price: ".$variation['display_regular_price']."</p>";
            echo "<p>sale price: ".$saleprice."</p>";
            echo "<p>risparmi: ". $diff."</p>";
            echo "<p>in stock: ".$stock."</p>";

    Tested and works.