Here is a sample POJO
public class Product{
private long id;
private String name;
private double price;
... constructor for all fields
... getters and setters
Now, in my productDAO if I have a query like this
@Query(select id, name from products)
LiveData<List<Product>> getProducts()
I get an error like:
The columns returned by the query does not have the fields [price] in ... Product even though they are annotated as non-null or primitive. Columns returned by the query: [id,name]
a) If I go in my Products and set
private double price;
the error remains.
b) If I go in my Products and set
private double price;
the error goes away but if I have another query for instance
@Query(select,, p.price, t.someField from products p inner join table t)
LiveData<List<Product>> getJoinQueryResponse()
because @Ignore
is set the price is returned as 0.0.
So how to solve this? Hopefully I don't need to make a POJO for each different response from room...
Primitive types are by default not null. Make the price Double and this will solve the issue since it will be nullable then. Furthermore, you can add a custom getter to avoid having price as a null object.
public double getPrice(){
if(this.price == null) return 0.0;
return this.price;
@Ingore tells Room to ignore the field altogether, which is not what you want, based on your answer.