I wrote the following query in a Google Sheet:
=QUERY(Prospects!$B$2:$DV; select D, L, B, AC, AH where Y = 'Aceptado' AND B > 42781 AND D IS NOT NULL order by B Asc label D 'Cliente'; 1)
42781 refers to a date (15/02/2017)
The query is well constructed but it doesn't return any values (no results).
If the date filter is removed the query returns lots of results so the issue is related to the date format.
=QUERY(Prospects!$B$2:$DV; select D, L, B, AC, AH where Y = 'Aceptado' AND D IS NOT NULL order by B Asc label D 'Cliente'; 1)
There are lots of results with B > 42781 (or B > "15/02/2017"). How should I enter the date value?
Try using AND B > date '2017-02-15'
It was the first link I got searching on Google...