For db4o, I'm trying to find the LINQ code that generates the following SODA:
var query = db4o.db.Query();
query.Descend("_date"); // Add a date constraint here.
IObjectSet result = query.Execute();
All the SODA does is drop down the tree to an end node. For example, if you wanted to select "APPLE" for date "2010-10-18", it would return "Apples on Thursday".
Data structure:
Root ----Symbol (APPLE)
| |------Day 1: Date: 2010-10-18, string "Apples on Thursday"
| |------Day 2: Date: 2010-10-19, string "Apples on Friday"
|-----Symbol (PEAR)
|------Day 1: Date: 2010-10-18, string "Pears on Thursday"
|------Day 2: Date: 2010-10-19, string "Pears on Friday"
Here is my first attempt, which doesn't work as its getting the cross product (i.e. its looking at every possible combination). I can't use a join, as db4o is an object database and you don't have access to the ID for each object, like in a RDBMS.
var stringForDayAndSymbol = from s in db4o.db.Query<Symbol>(a => a.SymbolGlobal == "APPLE")
from t in db4o.db.Query<Date>(b => b.Date == new DateTime(2010, 10, 20))
select new
Do you really directly want to descent into "Symbol" with query.Descend("Symbol");
? I guess that you want to constrain for the type 'Symbol'. I just assume that you meant this:
var query = db4o.db.Query();
query.Descend("_date"); // Add a date constraint here.
IObjectSet result = query.Execute();
Not 100% sure, but should be something like this:
// I assume here that the field _symbolGlobal is accessable with the property SymbolGlobal
// and the field _date is accessable with the property Date
var result = from Symbol s in db4o.db
where s.SymbolGlobal == "APPLE"
select s.Date;