In Firestore, I have a uid
as a field in my Vendor
uid: 1
uid: 2
To access the vendors, I'm using the following function:
getVendor(index: string): AngularFirestoreDocument<Vendor> {
return afs.doc<Vendor>(`vendors/${index}`);
I'd like to create a similar function, which also returns an AngularFirestoreDocument
, but the function takes a uid
to get the document:
getVendorByUID(uid: string): AngularFirestoreDocument<Vendor> {
return theDoc;
It seems like I have to query an AngularFirestoreCollection, but don't know how to extract the Document from the Collection.
I'd recommend using the uid as the key for the record; that way you can just reference it by URL w/getVendor
Otherwise you need to query:
// Query the first vendor where the uid matches
afs.collection<Vendor>(`vendors`, ref => ref.where('uid', '==', uid).limit(1))
map(vendors => vendors[0]) // flatten the result