I am looking to get this:
When I used Google Maps API there was a "plugin" called RouteBoxer that created a grid along the route and after I could build a query using the bounds of each rectangle.
I have seen that there is a port of that Google Library for LeafLet but I haven't found a port of RouteBoxer library for HERE Maps.
Do exist another way to do that in HERE Maps?
Extended explanation of routeboxer way: how it works
Thank you,
WIP EDIT: I'm porting the Google Library by myself. I almost get it but left calculate box intersections correctly...I am here just right now:
Finally I have ported by myself the original Google Routeboxer library to Here Maps v3 3.0 successfully.
google.maps.LatLngBounds is similar to H.geo.Rect
google.maps.LatLng is similar to H.geo.Point
google.maps.LatLngBounds.extend is similar to H.geo.Rect.mergeLatLng
getNorthEast() and getSouthWest()
Include here-routeboxer.js after Here Maps JS api call and:
// after recieve route response
var route = result.response.route[0];
var path = route.shape;
var path_= [];
// Transform original path to an array of H.geo.Point
// TODO: create a simplified path for better perfomance
path.forEach(function(point) {
var parts = point.split(',');
path_.push(new H.geo.Point(parts[0], parts[1]));
var routeBoxer = new RouteBoxer();
var boxes = routeBoxer.box(path_, 3); // params: path and distance
// now use the boxes as you want :)
* @name Here-RouteBoxer
* @version 1.0
* based on
* @name RouteBoxer
* @version 1.0
* @copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc.
* @author Thor Mitchell
* @fileoverview The RouteBoxer class takes a path, such as the Polyline for a
* route generated by a Directions request, and generates a set of LatLngBounds
* objects that are guaranteed to contain every point within a given distance
* of that route. These LatLngBounds objects can then be used to generate
* requests to spatial search services that support bounds filtering (such as
* the Google Maps Data API) in order to implement search along a route.
* <br/><br/>
* RouteBoxer overlays a grid of the specified size on the route, identifies
* every grid cell that the route passes through, and generates a set of bounds
* that cover all of these cells, and their nearest neighbours. Consequently
* the bounds returned will extend up to ~3x the specified distance from the
* route in places.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Creates a new RouteBoxer
* @constructor
function RouteBoxer() {
this.R = 6371; // earth's mean radius in km
* Generates boxes for a given route and distance
* @param {google.maps.LatLng[] | google.maps.Polyline} path The path along
* which to create boxes. The path object can be either an Array of
* google.maps.LatLng objects or a Maps API v2 or Maps API v3
* google.maps.Polyline object.
* @param {Number} range The distance in kms around the route that the generated
* boxes must cover.
* @return {google.maps.LatLngBounds[]} An array of boxes that covers the whole
* path.
RouteBoxer.prototype.box = function (path, range) {
// Two dimensional array representing the cells in the grid overlaid on the path
this.grid_ = null;
// Array that holds the latitude coordinate of each vertical grid line
this.latGrid_ = [];
// Array that holds the longitude coordinate of each horizontal grid line
this.lngGrid_ = [];
// Array of bounds that cover the whole route formed by merging cells that
// the route intersects first horizontally, and then vertically
this.boxesX_ = [];
// Array of bounds that cover the whole route formed by merging cells that
// the route intersects first vertically, and then horizontally
this.boxesY_ = [];
// The array of LatLngs representing the vertices of the path
var vertices = null;
// If necessary convert the path into an array of LatLng objects
if (path instanceof Array) {
// already an arry of LatLngs (eg. v3 overview_path)
vertices = path;
// Build the grid that is overlaid on the route
this.buildGrid_(vertices, range);
// Identify the grid cells that the route intersects
// Merge adjacent intersected grid cells (and their neighbours) into two sets
// of bounds, both of which cover them completely
// Return the set of merged bounds that has the fewest elements
return (this.boxesX_.length <= this.boxesY_.length ?
this.boxesX_ :
* Generates boxes for a given route and distance
* @param {LatLng[]} vertices The vertices of the path over which to lay the grid
* @param {Number} range The spacing of the grid cells.
RouteBoxer.prototype.buildGrid_ = function (vertices, range) {
// Create a LatLngBounds object that contains the whole path
// var routeBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
var routeBounds = new H.geo.Rect(vertices[0].lat, vertices[0].lng, vertices[0].lat, vertices[0].lng);
// alert(vertices.length);
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
routeBounds = routeBounds.mergeLatLng(vertices[i].lat, vertices[i].lng);
// Find the center of the bounding box of the path
var routeBoundsCenter = routeBounds.getCenter();
// Starting from the center define grid lines outwards vertically until they
// extend beyond the edge of the bounding box by more than one cell
// Add lines from the center out to the north
this.latGrid_.push(routeBoundsCenter.rhumbDestinationPoint(0, range).lat);
for (i = 2; this.latGrid_[i - 2] < routeBounds.getNorthEast().lat; i++) {
this.latGrid_.push(routeBoundsCenter.rhumbDestinationPoint(0, range * i).lat);
// Add lines from the center out to the south
for (i = 1; this.latGrid_[1] > routeBounds.getSouthWest().lat; i++) {
this.latGrid_.unshift(routeBoundsCenter.rhumbDestinationPoint(180, range * i).lat);
// Starting from the center define grid lines outwards horizontally until they
// extend beyond the edge of the bounding box by more than one cell
// Add lines from the center out to the east
this.lngGrid_.push(routeBoundsCenter.rhumbDestinationPoint(90, range).lng);
for (i = 2; this.lngGrid_[i - 2] < routeBounds.getNorthEast().lng; i++) {
this.lngGrid_.push(routeBoundsCenter.rhumbDestinationPoint(90, range * i).lng);
// Add lines from the center out to the west
for (i = 1; this.lngGrid_[1] > routeBounds.getSouthWest().lng; i++) {
this.lngGrid_.unshift(routeBoundsCenter.rhumbDestinationPoint(270, range * i).lng);
// Create a two dimensional array representing this grid
this.grid_ = new Array(this.lngGrid_.length);
for (i = 0; i < this.grid_.length; i++) {
this.grid_[i] = new Array(this.latGrid_.length);
H.geo.Rect.prototype.getNorthEast = function () {
return new H.geo.Point(this.getTop(), this.getRight());
H.geo.Rect.prototype.getSouthWest = function () {
return new H.geo.Point(this.getBottom(), this.getLeft());
* Find all of the cells in the overlaid grid that the path intersects
* @param {LatLng[]} vertices The vertices of the path
RouteBoxer.prototype.findIntersectingCells_ = function (vertices) {
// Find the cell where the path begins
var hintXY = this.getCellCoords_(vertices[0]);
// Mark that cell and it's neighbours for inclusion in the boxes
// Work through each vertex on the path identifying which grid cell it is in
for (var i = 1; i < vertices.length; i++) {
// Use the known cell of the previous vertex to help find the cell of this vertex
var gridXY = this.getGridCoordsFromHint_(vertices[i], vertices[i - 1], hintXY);
if (gridXY[0] === hintXY[0] && gridXY[1] === hintXY[1]) {
// This vertex is in the same cell as the previous vertex
// The cell will already have been marked for inclusion in the boxes
} else if ((Math.abs(hintXY[0] - gridXY[0]) === 1 && hintXY[1] === gridXY[1]) ||
(hintXY[0] === gridXY[0] && Math.abs(hintXY[1] - gridXY[1]) === 1)) {
// This vertex is in a cell that shares an edge with the previous cell
// Mark this cell and it's neighbours for inclusion in the boxes
} else {
// This vertex is in a cell that does not share an edge with the previous
// cell. This means that the path passes through other cells between
// this vertex and the previous vertex, and we must determine which cells
// it passes through
this.getGridIntersects_(vertices[i - 1], vertices[i], hintXY, gridXY);
// Use this cell to find and compare with the next one
hintXY = gridXY;
* Find the cell a path vertex is in by brute force iteration over the grid
* @param {LatLng[]} latlng The latlng of the vertex
* @return {Number[][]} The cell coordinates of this vertex in the grid
RouteBoxer.prototype.getCellCoords_ = function (latlng) {
for (var x = 0; this.lngGrid_[x] < latlng.lng; x++) {}
for (var y = 0; this.latGrid_[y] < latlng.lat; y++) {}
return ([x - 1, y - 1]);
* Find the cell a path vertex is in based on the known location of a nearby
* vertex. This saves searching the whole grid when working through vertices
* on the polyline that are likely to be in close proximity to each other.
* @param {LatLng[]} latlng The latlng of the vertex to locate in the grid
* @param {LatLng[]} hintlatlng The latlng of the vertex with a known location
* @param {Number[]} hint The cell containing the vertex with a known location
* @return {Number[]} The cell coordinates of the vertex to locate in the grid
RouteBoxer.prototype.getGridCoordsFromHint_ = function (latlng, hintlatlng, hint) {
var x, y;
if (latlng.lng > hintlatlng.lng) {
for (x = hint[0]; this.lngGrid_[x + 1] < latlng.lng; x++) {}
} else {
for (x = hint[0]; this.lngGrid_[x] > latlng.lng; x--) {}
if (latlng.lat > hintlatlng.lat) {
for (y = hint[1]; this.latGrid_[y + 1] < latlng.lat; y++) {}
} else {
for (y = hint[1]; this.latGrid_[y] > latlng.lat; y--) {}
return ([x, y]);
* Identify the grid squares that a path segment between two vertices
* intersects with by:
* 1. Finding the bearing between the start and end of the segment
* 2. Using the delta between the lat of the start and the lat of each
* latGrid boundary to find the distance to each latGrid boundary
* 3. Finding the lng of the intersection of the line with each latGrid
* boundary using the distance to the intersection and bearing of the line
* 4. Determining the x-coord on the grid of the point of intersection
* 5. Filling in all squares between the x-coord of the previous intersection
* (or start) and the current one (or end) at the current y coordinate,
* which is known for the grid line being intersected
* @param {LatLng} start The latlng of the vertex at the start of the segment
* @param {LatLng} end The latlng of the vertex at the end of the segment
* @param {Number[]} startXY The cell containing the start vertex
* @param {Number[]} endXY The cell containing the vend vertex
RouteBoxer.prototype.getGridIntersects_ = function (start, end, startXY, endXY) {
var edgePoint, edgeXY, i;
var brng = start.rhumbBearingTo(end); // Step 1.
var hint = start;
var hintXY = startXY;
// Handle a line segment that travels south first
if (end.lat > start.lat) {
// Iterate over the east to west grid lines between the start and end cells
for (i = startXY[1] + 1; i <= endXY[1]; i++) {
// Find the latlng of the point where the path segment intersects with
// this grid line (Step 2 & 3)
edgePoint = this.getGridIntersect_(start, brng, this.latGrid_[i]);
// Find the cell containing this intersect point (Step 4)
edgeXY = this.getGridCoordsFromHint_(edgePoint, hint, hintXY);
// Mark every cell the path has crossed between this grid and the start,
// or the previous east to west grid line it crossed (Step 5)
this.fillInGridSquares_(hintXY[0], edgeXY[0], i - 1);
// Use the point where it crossed this grid line as the reference for the
// next iteration
hint = edgePoint;
hintXY = edgeXY;
// Mark every cell the path has crossed between the last east to west grid
// line it crossed and the end (Step 5)
this.fillInGridSquares_(hintXY[0], endXY[0], i - 1);
} else {
// Iterate over the east to west grid lines between the start and end cells
for (i = startXY[1]; i > endXY[1]; i--) {
// Find the latlng of the point where the path segment intersects with
// this grid line (Step 2 & 3)
edgePoint = this.getGridIntersect_(start, brng, this.latGrid_[i]);
// Find the cell containing this intersect point (Step 4)
edgeXY = this.getGridCoordsFromHint_(edgePoint, hint, hintXY);
// Mark every cell the path has crossed between this grid and the start,
// or the previous east to west grid line it crossed (Step 5)
this.fillInGridSquares_(hintXY[0], edgeXY[0], i);
// Use the point where it crossed this grid line as the reference for the
// next iteration
hint = edgePoint;
hintXY = edgeXY;
// Mark every cell the path has crossed between the last east to west grid
// line it crossed and the end (Step 5)
this.fillInGridSquares_(hintXY[0], endXY[0], i);
* Find the latlng at which a path segment intersects with a given
* line of latitude
* @param {LatLng} start The vertex at the start of the path segment
* @param {Number} brng The bearing of the line from start to end
* @param {Number} gridLineLat The latitude of the grid line being intersected
* @return {LatLng} The latlng of the point where the path segment intersects
* the grid line
RouteBoxer.prototype.getGridIntersect_ = function (start, brng, gridLineLat) {
var d = this.R * ((gridLineLat.toRad() - start.lat.toRad()) / Math.cos(brng.toRad()));
return start.rhumbDestinationPoint(brng, d);
* Mark all cells in a given row of the grid that lie between two columns
* for inclusion in the boxes
* @param {Number} startx The first column to include
* @param {Number} endx The last column to include
* @param {Number} y The row of the cells to include
RouteBoxer.prototype.fillInGridSquares_ = function (startx, endx, y) {
var x;
if (startx < endx) {
for (x = startx; x <= endx; x++) {
this.markCell_([x, y]);
} else {
for (x = startx; x >= endx; x--) {
this.markCell_([x, y]);
* Mark a cell and the 8 immediate neighbours for inclusion in the boxes
* @param {Number[]} square The cell to mark
RouteBoxer.prototype.markCell_ = function (cell) {
var x = cell[0];
var y = cell[1];
this.grid_[x - 1][y - 1] = 1;
this.grid_[x][y - 1] = 1;
this.grid_[x + 1][y - 1] = 1;
this.grid_[x - 1][y] = 1;
this.grid_[x][y] = 1;
this.grid_[x + 1][y] = 1;
this.grid_[x - 1][y + 1] = 1;
this.grid_[x][y + 1] = 1;
this.grid_[x + 1][y + 1] = 1;
* Create two sets of bounding boxes, both of which cover all of the cells that
* have been marked for inclusion.
* The first set is created by combining adjacent cells in the same column into
* a set of vertical rectangular boxes, and then combining boxes of the same
* height that are adjacent horizontally.
* The second set is created by combining adjacent cells in the same row into
* a set of horizontal rectangular boxes, and then combining boxes of the same
* width that are adjacent vertically.
RouteBoxer.prototype.mergeIntersectingCells_ = function () {
var x, y, box;
// The box we are currently expanding with new cells
var currentBox = null;
// Traverse the grid a row at a time
for (y = 0; y < this.grid_[0].length; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < this.grid_.length; x++) {
if (this.grid_[x][y]) {
// This cell is marked for inclusion. If the previous cell in this
// row was also marked for inclusion, merge this cell into it's box.
// Otherwise start a new box.
box = this.getCellBounds_([x, y]);
if (currentBox) {
currentBox = currentBox.mergeLatLng(box.getNorthEast().lat, box.getNorthEast().lng);
} else {
currentBox = box;
} else {
// This cell is not marked for inclusion. If the previous cell was
// marked for inclusion, merge it's box with a box that spans the same
// columns from the row below if possible.
currentBox = null;
// If the last cell was marked for inclusion, merge it's box with a matching
// box from the row below if possible.
currentBox = null;
// Traverse the grid a column at a time
for (x = 0; x < this.grid_.length; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < this.grid_[0].length; y++) {
if (this.grid_[x][y]) {
// This cell is marked for inclusion. If the previous cell in this
// column was also marked for inclusion, merge this cell into it's box.
// Otherwise start a new box.
if (currentBox) {
box = this.getCellBounds_([x, y]);
currentBox = currentBox.mergeLatLng(box.getNorthEast().lat, box.getNorthEast().lng);
} else {
currentBox = this.getCellBounds_([x, y]);
} else {
// This cell is not marked for inclusion. If the previous cell was
// marked for inclusion, merge it's box with a box that spans the same
// rows from the column to the left if possible.
currentBox = null;
// If the last cell was marked for inclusion, merge it's box with a matching
// box from the column to the left if possible.
currentBox = null;
* Search for an existing box in an adjacent row to the given box that spans the
* same set of columns and if one is found merge the given box into it. If one
* is not found, append this box to the list of existing boxes.
* @param {LatLngBounds} The box to merge
RouteBoxer.prototype.mergeBoxesX_ = function (box) {
if (box !== null) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.boxesX_.length; i++) {
if (this.boxesX_[i].getNorthEast().lng === box.getSouthWest().lng &&
this.boxesX_[i].getSouthWest().lat === box.getSouthWest().lat &&
this.boxesX_[i].getNorthEast().lat === box.getNorthEast().lat) {
this.boxesX_[i] = this.boxesX_[i].mergeLatLng(box.getNorthEast().lat, box.getNorthEast().lng);
* Search for an existing box in an adjacent column to the given box that spans
* the same set of rows and if one is found merge the given box into it. If one
* is not found, append this box to the list of existing boxes.
* @param {LatLngBounds} The box to merge
RouteBoxer.prototype.mergeBoxesY_ = function (box) {
if (box !== null) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.boxesY_.length; i++) {
if (this.boxesY_[i].getNorthEast().lat === box.getSouthWest().lat &&
this.boxesY_[i].getSouthWest().lng === box.getSouthWest().lng &&
this.boxesY_[i].getNorthEast().lng === box.getNorthEast().lng) {
this.boxesY_[i] = this.boxesY_[i].mergeLatLng(box.getNorthEast().lat, box.getNorthEast().lng);
* Obtain the LatLng of the origin of a cell on the grid
* @param {Number[]} cell The cell to lookup.
* @return {LatLng} The latlng of the origin of the cell.
RouteBoxer.prototype.getCellBounds_ = function (cell) {
return new H.geo.Rect(this.latGrid_[cell[1]+1], this.lngGrid_[cell[0]],this.latGrid_[cell[1]], this.lngGrid_[cell[0] + 1]);
/* Based on the Latitude/longitude spherical geodesy formulae & scripts
at http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
(c) Chris Veness 2002-2010
H.geo.Point.prototype.rhumbDestinationPoint = function (brng, dist) {
var R = 6371; // earth's mean radius in km
var d = parseFloat(dist) / R; // d = angular distance covered on earth's surface
var lat1 = this.lat.toRad(), lon1 = this.lng.toRad();
brng = brng.toRad();
var lat2 = lat1 + d * Math.cos(brng);
var dLat = lat2 - lat1;
var dPhi = Math.log(Math.tan(lat2 / 2 + Math.PI / 4) / Math.tan(lat1 / 2 + Math.PI / 4));
var q = (Math.abs(dLat) > 1e-10) ? dLat / dPhi : Math.cos(lat1);
var dLon = d * Math.sin(brng) / q;
// check for going past the pole
if (Math.abs(lat2) > Math.PI / 2) {
lat2 = lat2 > 0 ? Math.PI - lat2 : - (Math.PI - lat2);
var lon2 = (lon1 + dLon + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI;
if (isNaN(lat2) || isNaN(lon2)) {
return null;
return new H.geo.Point(lat2.toDeg(), lon2.toDeg());
H.geo.Point.prototype.rhumbBearingTo = function (dest) {
var dLon = (dest.lng - this.lng).toRad();
var dPhi = Math.log(Math.tan(dest.lat.toRad() / 2 + Math.PI / 4) / Math.tan(this.lat.toRad() / 2 + Math.PI / 4));
if (Math.abs(dLon) > Math.PI) {
dLon = dLon > 0 ? -(2 * Math.PI - dLon) : (2 * Math.PI + dLon);
return Math.atan2(dLon, dPhi).toBrng();
* Extend the Number object to convert degrees to radians
* @return {Number} Bearing in radians
* @ignore
Number.prototype.toRad = function () {
return this * Math.PI / 180;
* Extend the Number object to convert radians to degrees
* @return {Number} Bearing in degrees
* @ignore
Number.prototype.toDeg = function () {
return this * 180 / Math.PI;
* Normalize a heading in degrees to between 0 and +360
* @return {Number} Return
* @ignore
Number.prototype.toBrng = function () {
return (this.toDeg() + 360) % 360;