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Need example of working of interconnected sensors, i.e. when one sensor is triggering action/ work of the other

I need an example of working interconnected sensors.

For example:

  1. Device X sends event to C8Y platform, the platform requests data or triggers some procedure device Y,
  2. Device X triggers directly device Y to collect data or run procedure .


  • Catalin. I'm not sure why your question got downvotes. It makes sense to me.

    You will find most of what you are looking for at You need to do the handshake, subscribe, and connect in order to get notifications from another device. In my case, I also had to do a lookup from the device's external ID to its c8y ID, so that I could provide the correct subscription string. Here is some Node.js code that shows all of that:

    const superagent = require('superagent')
    const WebSocket = require('ws')
    var ws = new WebSocket('ws://', {
        perMessageDeflate: false
    // process websocket messages
    ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
        res = JSON.parse(data)
        if( res[0].channel === '/meta/handshake' ) {
            // process successful handshake
            wsClientId = res[0].clientId
            console.log('wsClientId = ' + wsClientId)
        } else if( res[0].channel === '/meta/subscribe' ) {
            // nothing to do here
        } else {
            // this is where you get the measurements from devices you are subscribed to
    function lookupDevice(serialNumber) {
        .set('Authorization', 'Basic ' + basicAuthBase64)
        .then(function (res) {
            success = res.statusCode
            if (success == 200) {
                devId =
                return devId
            } else {
                return null
    async function wsHandshake() {
        let request = [{
            "channel": "/meta/handshake",
            "ext": {
                "com.cumulocity.authn": {
                    "token": "bGVlLmdyZXl...6cXdlcjQzMjE="
            "version": "1.0",
            "mininumVersion": "1.0beta",
            "supportedConnectionTypes": ["websocket"],
            "advice": {"timeout": 120000, "interval": 30000}
        ws.send(JSON.stringify(request), function ack(err) {
            if( err )
                console.log('wsHandshake returned error '+err)
    async function wsSubscribe(subscriptionPath) {
        let request = [{
                "channel": "/meta/subscribe",
                "clientId": wsClientId,
                "subscription": subscriptionPath,
        ws.send(JSON.stringify(request), function ack(err) {
            if( err )
                console.log('wsSubscribe returned error '+err)
    async function wsConnect() {
        let request = [{
                "channel": "/meta/connect",
                "clientId": wsClientId,
                'connectionType': 'websocket',
                "advice": {"timeout":1200000,"interval":30000},
        ws.send(JSON.stringify(request), function ack(err) {
            if( err )
                console.log('wsConnect returned error '+err)
    // this is sort of pseudo-code that does not properly handle the asynchronous aspects of the flow
    await wsHandshake()
    let devId = lookupDevice('ABC123')
    await wsSubscribe(`/measurements/${devId}`)

    Please be aware that I extracted this from a larger implementation, so I do not guarantee that you can paste this and run it as-is. But it should provide you with a framework for how to accomplish what you are after.

    Note that at the top of the Notifications web page, it shows that you can subscribe to several different notification types, not just measurements as shown here.