I have a component-variable "message" of type "any" that holds a method "actionnowrapper()"
Whenever I bind to a button like below, this works well.
<button (click)="message.actionnowrapper()"></button>
Whenever I use the kendoButton directive, this no longer works.
<button kendoButton (click)="message.actionnowrapper()"></button>
Binding the Kendobutton directly to a method in the component does the trick, but this is not what we need.
<button (click)="actionnowrapper()"></button>
How can I bind a kendobutton to a method in a component-variable?
The regular button and Kendo button click handlers work in the same way:
<button kendoButton (click)="message.actionnowrapper('kendo')">Click</button>
<button (click)="message.actionnowrapper('regular')">Click</button>
export class AppComponent {
message = {
actionnowrapper: (buttonType: string) => {
alert(`${buttonType} button clicked`)