Hello i got a clean python 3.1.3 install and then went for the latest version of pywin32 module from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/ but when i try to
import win32api
it gives me this error
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in import win32api ImportError: DLL load failed: No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado.
In english the last line is "The specified module can't be found". any ideas how to get pywin32 run on 3.1.3? what is this DLL that i need?
EDIT: fixed see comments below
Which of the files did you download and install? You need to install one of the installers, and not the source file (unless you can build it).
This can help to find which DLL it's trying to find: http://www.dependencywalker.com/