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Ionic View Template Not Being Updated When $scope Variable Is Updated In Controller

I have an ionic app I'm testing the ability to check for fingerprint login. All this works, BUT when I check for whether a user has stored login credentials and get back the decrypted value, I want to SHOW a button that allows user to initiate fingerprint login.

The problem is, when I get back the success when gathering credentials from SecureStorage, I set a variable to show the button ($scope.canUseFingerprint) which is modeled to a button in the view using ng-if. BUT the button never shows up, UNLESS I type a single character into the email input again (there is no "change" function on the input).

I have inspected and it shows the variable is getting set to true, yet the button will not showup until a single character is entered into that email input.

Can someone take a look?

Here is my view:

<form name="loginForm" ng-submit="login(email, password)">
    <input type="text" ng-model="email" placeholder="typehere"></input>
    <input type="text" ng-model="password" placeholder="typehere"></input>
    <button type="submit">Test Login</button>
<!--Below Button Won't Showup-->
    <button type="button" ng-if="canUseFingerprint" ng-click="showFingerPrint()">Show Finger Print</button>

    <button type="button" ng-click="testShowFingerPrint()">Test Show Button</button>
    <button type="button" ng-click="clearKeys()">Clear All Keys</button>

Here is my controller:

    $scope.canUseFingerprint = false; //Initialized to false

var ss = new cordova.plugins.SecureStorage(
  function () { 
    // $scope.allowFingerprintLogin = true;
      checkForLoginCreds(); //Checks for login credentials

  function (error) { 
    $scope.canUseFingerprint = false;
    console.log('Error ' + error); 

var checkForLoginCreds = function(){

    function (value) { 
      console.log('Success, got ' + value); 
      // This should activate the button, but does nothing. It DOES get set to true. Only after typing single character in input does the button show.
      $scope.canUseFingerprint = true; 
    function (error) { console.log('Error ' + error); },


  • To convert ss.get from a callback-based service to a promise-based service, use the AngularJS $q Service:

    function ssGetPromise(ss,key) {
        var deferred = $q.defer();   
            function (value) { 
                console.log('Success, got ' + value); 
            function (error) { 
                console.log('Error ' + error);
        return deferred.promise;


    ssGetPromise(ss,'loginInfo').then(function(value) {
        $scope.canUseFingerprint = true;

    The $q Service creates promises that are integrated with the AngularJS Framework. Only operations which are applied in the AngularJS execution context will benefit from AngularJS data-binding, exception handling, property watching, etc.