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How to capture the LUIS JSON response to a user's input using LUIS recognizer in node js

// Assigning the published LUIS app URL which is obtained after training the related utterances in LUIS.

LuisModelUrl = 'https://' + luisAPIHostName + '/luis/v2.0/apps/' + luisAppId + '?subscription-key=' + luisAPIKey+'/&verbose=true&q= /';


//recognizing the intents using LUIS Recognizer
var recognizerData = new builder.LuisRecognizer(LuisModelUrl);


can somebody guide on how to do this using node js.


  • If you just want to perform one-time calls to LUIS instead of plugging the LuisRecognizer into a bot, LuisRecognizer has a static recognize method that you can use to call your LUIS model.

    LuisModelUrl = 'https://' + luisAPIHostName + '/luis/v2.0/apps/' + luisAppId +
        '?subscription-key=' + luisAPIKey+'/&verbose=true&q= /'
    // Callback that console logs the intents
    function printData (err, intents, entities) {
        if (err) {
            throw err
        console.log("------------"+ JSON.stringify(intents))
    //recognizing the intents using LUIS Recognizer
    builder.LuisRecognizer.recognize('I love chairs', LuisModelUrl, printData)