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vscode not showing git password prompt

I have a git repo on a remote server and use ssh with password authentication to clone,pull,push. From command line everything works fine.

However in vscode when I try to pull or push from remote repository, no password prompt is shown. Vscode seems to be waiting for something but nothing happens. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

I want to use visual studio code as git client on linux.

From command line:

enter image description here

In vscode:

enter image description here


  • There are two solutions I can think of:

    • Set up an SSH key so that you never need credentials for accessing the server the remote repository is on
    • Tell git to remember credentials when you type them in - this answer tells you how


    Here is a quick recipe how to set up an SSH key for your git repo:

    On the client side (where you cloned the repository)

    • Check if you have an ssh key in ~/.ssh
    • If not, generate an SSH key without passphrase using ssh-keygen (mine is called id_rsa)
    • add this key to the authentication agent using ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    On the remote side (where the repo is hosted)

    • create the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    • into this file copy and past your public key, which you just created on the client side (mine is saved in ~/.ssh/

    Afterwards try a git pull on the client side. It should not ask for a password anymore and pull/push from vscode should work as well