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C# Background Worker to process a List one by one

I have a list of Contacts as follows.

List<string> Numbers = new List<string>();

This list can have any length of numbers in it. I want to send message to these numbers one by one and also report the progress to the user on a WinForm so I have a method like this.

private void ProcessBroadcast()
            foreach (var number in Numbers)
                    //Send a Message here

Since sending a message takes time so we opted to use BackgroundWorker to send a message. Now here the issue is we want to continue to send message to the next number in the foreach loop only when Background worker has completed.

I have implemented




and I am able to get the Number in messageWorker_RunWorkerCompleted method. I have done my research but couldn't find anything related to this.


  •     private void ProcessBroadcast()
            //foreach (var number in Numbers)
            //    //Send a Message here
            //    messageWorker.RunWorkerAsync(message);
            messageWorker.EnableProgressReporting = true;

    The DoWork

    // this runs on a background pool thread
    void DoWork(object sender, args)
        var worker = sender as Backgroundworker;
        var Numbers = args.Argument as IEnumerable<SomeThing>;
        int percentage = 0;    
        foreach (var number in Numbers)
            //Send a Message here
            worker.ReportProgress(percentage, number);
            // other processing on number, just don't use the UI

    Your Progress and Completed eventhandlers will be executed on the main thread.

    (none of this was checked by a compiler)