this sounds simple but drives me nuts.
I am on Windows 7 and have VS TS 2008 SP1. When I open a solution file it always creates a 'Visual Studio 2008' folder in the same directory. Then SVN etc wants to add etc. How do I stop this from happening. I tried the registry setting the VisualStudioLocation to %userprofile\docs etc but no joy.
Thanks Mick
OK I got this sorted from another bit of digging on the internet...
Open the registry... Run -> Regedit
Browse the *Hkey_Current_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Visual Studio -> 9.0*
Look at the following keys and set them to
VisualStudioLocation = %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2008 VisualStudioProjectsLocation = %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects
This will cause any Visual Studio folders etc to get created there and not in your local solution folder..
Regards Mick