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password Regex not matching if spaces around in plain text

Building a regex to match passwords stored in plain text.
8-15 characters, must contain at least:

  • 1 uppercase letter [A-Z]
  • 1 lowercase letter [a-z]
  • 1 number \d
  • 1 special character [!@#\$%\^&\*]

The problem I have is when the password is inline with other text or spaces after, it doesn't return a match. When it's on its own without spaces it matches.

This is a Testing!23 surrounded by other text.



  • You want to find all non-whitespace chunks matching the conditions you outlined.



    See the regex demo


    • (?<!\S) - a whitespace or start of string should be right before the current position
    • (?=\S{8,15}(?!\S)) - right after the current position, there must be 8 to 15 non-whitespace chars followed with either whitespace or end of string
    • (?=[^!@#$%^&*\s]*[!@#$%^&*]) - there must be a char from the [!@#$%^&*] set after zero or more non-whitespace chars outside of the set
    • (?=[^\s\d]*\d) - there must be a digit after 0+ non-whitespace and non-digit chars
    • (?=[^\sa-z]*[a-z]) - 1 lowercase letter must appear after 0+ chars other than whitespace and lowercase letters
    • (?=[^\sA-Z]*[A-Z]) - 1 uppercase letter must appear after 0+ chars other than whitespace and uppercase letters
    • \S+ - all checks are over, and if they succeed, match and consume 1+ non-whitespace chars (finally).