I want to know error line number where error was occure by batch script and also i want to print whole line in batch script?
set t=%date%_%time%
set a="%m%\%x%"
cd /d "C:\PRQA\PRQA-Framework-2.1.2\common\bin"
qacli admin --set-license-server 5055@ || goto :error
qacli admin --debug-level DEBUG || goto :error
goto :EOF
set remark= %ERRORLEVEL%
set status= Failure
echo ProjectName: %x%
echo Status: %status%
echo Remark: %remark%
echo Date: %t%
echo %x%,%status%,traceback(),%t% > "C:\Test\Build.csv"
echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%
can any one help me out?
jeb has described how the search for the right line works. in the event of an error, a call is triggered and the parameters are a unique string and an offset, which points to the number of missing lines to the correct line. Findstr looks for the unmistakable string and prints that line number. With the settlement that's right again.
I've put together some macros to show that there are other ways to read the right line.
@echo off
set prompt=$g$s
call :setAllmacros
rem begin in echo off - what line is it please ?
(call )
%ID-1:##==001% call :ErrorLogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%errorlevel%
echo 2
(call) || %ID-0:##==2% call :Errorlogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%%errorlevel%%
echo %errorlevel%
find /n || %ID-0:##==003% call :Errorlogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%%errorlevel%%
pushG 556
%ID-1:##==004% call :ErrorLogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%errorlevel%
exit /b
@echo on
rem %*
@echo off
exit /b
(set ^"lf=^
%== define LF + CR ==%
for /f %%i in ('copy /z "%~f0" nul') do set "CR=%%i"
rem Prints the fullline itself with LineNumber into stderr
rem usage: %Line#print%:UniqueID"
rem command || %Line#print%:01"
set "Line#print= @ <"%~f0" >&2 find /n "%%Line#print%%"
rem Read the fullline BEFORE into Variables with LineNumber; do something ...
rem usage: command 1 line before
rem %ID-1:##==01% [command %%L ... %%M ...]
set ID-1= if errorlevel 1 for /f "usebackQtokens=1*delims=:" %%L in (^
`cmd /v /c ^"findstr /n /r /c:"..*^!CR^!*^!LF^!.*ID-1:.#^=^##%%" "%~f0"^"`) do ^>^&2 echo BatchLine: %%L -- %%M ^&
rem Read the fullline itself into Variables with LineNumber; do something ...
rem usage: command || %ID-0:##==01% [command %%L ... %%M ...]
set ID-0= @ for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /n /r /c:"ID-0:.#=##%%" "%~f0"') do ^>^&2 echo BatchLine: %%L -- %%M ^&
exit /b
hope it helps