I was interested in performance question about determine type of object and write some benchmarks with 2 ways of determination.
Can someone explain me why variant with instanceof
faster 350 times than variant with class name switching with strings?
class A {}
class B extends A {}
public class InstanceOfBenchmark {
public static final Object a = new A();
public void testInstanceOf()
if (a instanceof B) {}
else if (a instanceof String) {}
else if (a instanceof ArrayList) {}
else if (a instanceof HashMap) {}
else if (a instanceof HashSet) {}
else if (a instanceof A);
public void testName() {
String class_name = a.getClass().getSimpleName();
switch (class_name) {
case ("B") :
case ("String") :
case ("ArrayList") :
case ("HashMap") :
case ("HashSet") :
case ("A") :
public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {
Options opt = new OptionsBuilder()
new Runner(opt).run();
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
InstanceOfBenchmark.testInstanceOf thrpt 100 3482.001 ± 25.447 ops/us
InstanceOfBenchmark.testName thrpt 100 10.579 ± 0.078 ops/us
I run tests with 200 times warmup and 2000 iteration too, result was same.
Bytecode for the String version:
0: aload_0
1: invokevirtual #2 // Method java/lang/Object.getClass:()Ljava/lang/Class;
4: invokevirtual #3 // Method java/lang/Class.getSimpleName:()Ljava/lang/Str
7: astore_1
8: aload_1
9: astore_2
10: iconst_m1
11: istore_3
12: aload_2
13: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/lang/String.hashCode:()I
16: lookupswitch { // 6
-1932803762: 118
-1932797868: 132
-1808118735: 90
65: 146
66: 76
578806391: 104
default: 157
76: aload_2
77: ldc #5 // String B
79: invokevirtual #6 // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
82: ifeq 157
85: iconst_0
86: istore_3
87: goto 157
90: aload_2
91: ldc #7 // String String
93: invokevirtual #6 // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
96: ifeq 157
99: iconst_1
100: istore_3
101: goto 157
104: aload_2
105: ldc #8 // String ArrayList
107: invokevirtual #6 // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
110: ifeq 157
113: iconst_2
114: istore_3
115: goto 157
118: aload_2
119: ldc #9 // String HashMap
121: invokevirtual #6 // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
124: ifeq 157
127: iconst_3
128: istore_3
129: goto 157
132: aload_2
133: ldc #10 // String HashSet
135: invokevirtual #6 // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
138: ifeq 157
141: iconst_4
142: istore_3
143: goto 157
146: aload_2
147: ldc #11 // String A
149: invokevirtual #6 // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
152: ifeq 157
155: iconst_5
156: istore_3
157: iload_3
158: tableswitch { // 0 to 5
0: 196
1: 196
2: 196
3: 196
4: 196
5: 196
default: 196
196: return
Bytecode for the instanceof
0: aload_0
1: instanceof #12 // class B
4: ifeq 10
7: goto 57
10: aload_0
11: instanceof #13 // class java/lang/String
14: ifeq 20
17: goto 57
20: aload_0
21: instanceof #14 // class java/util/ArrayList
24: ifeq 30
27: goto 57
30: aload_0
31: instanceof #15 // class java/util/HashMap
34: ifeq 40
37: goto 57
40: aload_0
41: instanceof #16 // class java/util/HashSet
44: ifeq 50
47: goto 57
50: aload_0
51: instanceof #17 // class A
54: ifeq 57
57: return
Does it still surprise you that instanceof
is faster? The number of operations is significantly fewer.