Run into a tricky problem with db4o and a simple nested structures.
Problem: when I use LINQ to pull data out of db4o, its pulling out too much data (i.e. the "where" clause doesn't seem to be working).
I have some nested objects:
Root ----Symbol (SPX)
| |------Day 1: Date: 2010-10-18, string "SPX meta"
| |------Day 2: Date: 2010-10-19, string "SPX meta"
|-----Symbol (IBM)
|------Day 1: Date: 2010-10-18, string "IBM meta"
|------Day 2: Date: 2010-10-19, string "IBM meta"
I create two symbols:
Symbol sym1 = new Symbol("SPX");
Symbol sym2 = new Symbol("IBM");
I then create some trading days:
// SPX
TradingDay day1 = new TradingDay(new DateTime(2010, 10, 18), "SPX meta");
TradingDay day2 = new TradingDay(new DateTime(2010, 10, 19), "SPX meta");
// IBM
TradingDay day3 = new TradingDay(new DateTime(2010, 10, 18), "IBM meta");
TradingDay day4 = new TradingDay(new DateTime(2010, 10, 19), "IBM meta");
I then assign a couple of days to each symbols:
I then persist it to the db4o object database:
// Store in the database.
Pretty simple so far.
I check the database with "db4o Object Manager Enterprise", and sure enough, there is two symbols, and if I click on each symbol, each one contains two days.
Now, I do a LINQ query to pull the data out:
var daysForSymbolS1 = from Symbol s in db4o.db
from TradingDay t in db4o.db
where (s.SymbolGlobal == "IBM"
&& t.Date == new DateTime(2010, 10, 19))
select new
foreach (var d in daysForSymbolS1)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} - {2}", d.SymbolGlobal, d.Date.Date, d.Meta);
And, something weird happens:
IBM - 10/19/2010 12:00:00 AM - SPX meta // This line should not appear because we have specified "IBM" in the filter.
IBM - 10/19/2010 12:00:00 AM - IBM meta
Despite the fact that I specified that it should only return data for "SPX" its returning data from "IBM" as well.
Am I doing anything obviously wrong?
You didn't post the exact definition of your classes but you are currently doing a cartesian product in your Linq query - you are creating every possible combination whereas you really only want "matching" combinations (since a trading day in your schema for some reason seems to be associated with a symbol). What you should do instead is a join, something like:
from TradingDay t in db4o.db
join Symbol s in db4o.db
on s.SymbolGlobal equals t.SymbolGlobal
where (s.SymbolGlobal == "IBM"
&& t.Date == new DateTime(2010, 10, 19))