I have a div element with id = "image" having no background-image initially. I have an another image, on which when I hover, somefunction(this) is called. Now, I want this function to change that div's background image to the hovered image. I am doing something like this...
<div id = "image"> a division </div>
<img class = "abc" onmouseover = somefunction(this) src ="someimage.jpg>
#image{ background-image : url(''); }
function somefunction(element)
var x = document.getElementById('image');
x.style.background.src = element.src;
But It's not working anyway, and I want to do this using "this" only.
Try this code
function somefunction(element)
var x = document.getElementById('image');
x.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+element.src+"')"
<div id = "image"> a division </div>
<img class = "abc" onmouseover="somefunction(this);" src="your path to file.PNG"/>