I have a very simple HTML document created with the HtmlAgilityPack, with a embedded image; (base64 format)
Public Report As New HtmlDocument()
Dim html As String = "<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="""" alt=""Red dot"" align=""middle""/>
</html> "
WebBrowser1.DocumentText = Report.Text
The image displays on the left, I'd like to horizontally center it, how can this be done?
(The actual base64 image is shortened for obvious reasons)
The answer I was looking for was:
With the HtmlAgilityPack you can embed the CCS insite the HTLM like so:
Dim html As String = "<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><style>html, body {
height: 100%;
.center {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
<img src="""" alt=""Red dot"" class=""center""/>
</html> "
Thanks to Mortb for pointing me in the right direction.