I have opened a ticket about this on Braintree iOS's GITHub. Just hoping to get some help fast. Here goes the issue:
As the title says, my payment (in iOS) always fails. While apparently, the payment in my colleague's work (Android) succeeds.
I followed thoroughly the sample codes and guidelines from here: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/paypal/client-side/ios/v4
In iOS, after all the process (Client Token from our Server --> BT SDK --> PayPal browser --> App --> send nonce to our server), the error I get from our server is always:
PayPal pending payments are not supported.
My backend guy does not know the reason behind this too, he only showed and gave me this log:
"errors": {},
"params": {
"transaction": {
"type": "sale",
"amount": "1",
"merchantAccountId": "USD",
"paymentMethodNonce": "80823f63-5ea9-0b8b-67da-0710bd7d9ff1",
"orderId": "333",
"descriptor": {
"name": "company name*myurl.com"
"options": {
"submitForSettlement": "true",
"paypal": {
"customField": "custom",
"description": "description"
"message": "Unknown or expired payment_method_nonce.",
"creditCardVerification": null,
"transaction": null,
"subscription": null,
"merchantAccount": null,
"verification": null
And here's what I do in setting up my SDK:
private func processPayPalClientToken(_ clientToken: String) {
SVProgressHUD.show(withStatus: "Please wait...")
self.braintreeClient = BTAPIClient(authorization: clientToken)
let payPalDriver = BTPayPalDriver(apiClient: self.braintreeClient)
payPalDriver.viewControllerPresentingDelegate = self
payPalDriver.appSwitchDelegate = self
let request = BTPayPalRequest(amount: self.bookingViewModel.getTotalAmount())
payPalDriver.requestOneTimePayment(request) { (nonce, error) in
SVProgressHUD.dismiss(completion: {
if let error = error {
self.showAlert(title: "title...", message: "Error: \(error.localizedDescription).", okayButtonTitle: "OK") { _ in }
guard let nonce = nonce else { return }
So... any idea what's the reason behind this? Thanks!
EDIT: Additional info that I found a while ago. The SFSafari browser dismisses itself too soon that's why the nonce I get is always invalid. Why is that?
For the benefits of the others who are experiencing the same issue, check out my closed ticket I filed on Braintree's Github (link above or this: https://github.com/braintree/braintree_ios/issues/405)
Here's my colleague and I have discovered:
PayPal pending payments are not supported
So the answer in this issue would be: make sure that everything in your client is working and you're using correct and same accounts for the clientToken and the PayPal account you're using to pay.