I have Tableview for showing food orders placed by clients. which contains Horizontal UIStackview
. In UIStackView
In UIStackview
There is few one / two lined label and one UITableView
which is used to show orderItems. Inner tableview has fixed height constant (greater then or equal + 750 Priority) and will be
changed with content size. height and scrolling disabled.
inner tableview has two labels. and heigh is automatic Dimension
I want main tableview cell height should be increased automatically as per inner tableview items. so I apply to main tableview
self.tblOrders.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
self.tblOrders.estimatedRowHeight = 45
and In tableview cell subclass
override func awakeFromNib() {
self.tblOrderMaster.dataSource = self
self.tblOrderMaster.delegate = self
self.tblOrderMaster.estimatedRowHeight = 45
self.tblOrderMaster.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
self.selectionStyle = .none
self.tblOrderMaster.isScrollEnabled = false
Inner tableview datasource array
var orderData:[ODOrderDataMaster] = [] {
didSet {
self.const_Height_tblOrderMaster.constant = self.tblOrderMaster.contentSize.height
Question: When I scroll main tableview it is not correctly resized as per subitems.while initially it is showing correct.
I have almost tried everything like layoutIfNeeded. layoutSubviews. setNeedsDisplay.
I have also implemented willDisplayCell but not success.
I think issue is when I reload inner tableview. and when it is finished reload how can i inform to main tableview and how can i update height constant of inner tableview
Please let me know if anyone need more info.
I appreciate any help or suggestion
I have tried almost all the possible solutions but each has some problems. So I have found another workaround to fix this It can not be called perfect solution but yes it works for me
In tableview cell, I have added One Hidden Label which is Top : 0 , Bottom : 0 , left : 0 and right : 0
// This is temp label which help to calulate height to tableview
if let orderMaster = restObj.orderDataMaster {
var tempText = ""
for orderMasterObject in orderMaster {
tempText += (orderMasterObject.item?.name ?? "") + "\n" + " "
if let subItems = orderMasterObject.masterSubitem {
let result = subItems.reduce("", { (result, subItem) -> String in
return result + (subItem.subitem?.name ?? "") + ","
tempText += result + "\n" + " "
tempText += "\n"
cell.lblTemp.text = tempText
cell.delegate = self
What here done is, Inner tableview's cell has labels which grow as per text. So That temp label has same text (masterSubitem
) in my case, in short I have replicated inner tableview cell in that label as we have provided All Four constrains to label so when it will grow our tableview cell will grow along with it.
Hope it is helpful to someone who is facing the same issue If any of you can post another working solution I will happily accept it :)