Search code examples

How to search multiple models with ransack in liquid templates

I am trying to implement ransack search for 3 models in a rails app that has liquid templates in the view. So far, I have been able to implement the search for just one model. In my search controller, i have;

class SearchController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @courses = Course.ransack(params[:q])

    # @teachers = Teacher.ransack(params[:q])
    # @articles = Article.ransack(params[:q])    

My search.html.liquid is empty since I want the search bar to show up in the navbar. So in my navbar.html.liquid, i included this;

<form class="search" method="get" action="{{ request.url_helpers.courses_path }}">
  <input type="text" placeholder="Search" name="q[title_cont]" value=""  />
  <input type="submit" value="Search" />

In my routes.rb, i have

    resources :search, only: [:index]

Like I mentioned earlier, the search works for the Course model but i would like to include the Teacher and Article model as well. For the Teacher model, i would like to search for field "firstname_cont" and "title_cont" for the Article model.

How do I combine the search for all 3 models in one search form that works well with liquid templates?


  • This answer is pertinent to the ransack portion as I have no experience with liquid and it does not seem to pertain the the question at hand

    I am assuming the following

    class Course < ApplicationRecord
      belongs_to :teacher
      has_many :articles

    You should be able to use a compound attribute chain like title_or_teacher_firstname_or_articles_title_cont e.g.

    <form class="search" method="get" action="{{ request.url_helpers.courses_path }}">
      <input type="text" placeholder="Search" name="q[title_or_teacher_firstname_or_articles_title_cont]" value=""  />
      <input type="submit" value="Search" />

    Also your controller code is traditionally represented as:

    class SearchController < ApplicationController
      def index
        @q = Course.ransack(params[:q])
        @courses = @q.result