I'm trying to use NULL
to reuse queries for both specific searches as well as returning index (basically implementing the idea discussed here http://dev.solita.fi/2015/12/29/SQL-in-applications.html). However, I'm getting ERROR: could not determine data type of parameter $1
anytime I try to use the function body with the []
Here's the clojure
(defn get-ips
"Get a list of IPs and their User Ids"
([] (ip-addresses {:uids nil}))
([uids] (ip-addresses {:uids uids})))
Here's the sql
-- name: ip-addresses
SELECT ipo.ip_address_id::varchar as address, ipo.user_id
FROM ip_ownerships AS ipo
WHERE :uids IS NULL OR ipo.user_id IN (:uids)
So I just found the answer. The solution is to manually cast the parameter's type:
-- name: ip-addresses
SELECT ipo.ip_address_id::varchar as address, ipo.user_id
FROM ip_ownerships AS ipo
WHERE :uids::int IS NULL OR ipo.user_id IN (:uids)