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How to import images using command line in 'cameraCalibrator' app?

I would like to import images (from a directory or a MATLAB variable) into 'cameraCalibrator' app using command-line.

I found the below syntax:


Here is how I tried to use it:


But it is yielding some error. How to apply this syntax?


  • The two input arguments must be given as follows:

    1. I suggest creating a separate dedicated directory for your image files. e.g; if your image files are in a directory named images on Desktop then give its complete path like this:

      imageFolder = 'C:/Users/<yourusername>/Desktop/images';        %For WinOS

      You can just write name of the directory as well if Desktop is your current working directory i.e.

      imageFolder = 'images';  
    2. squareSize is, by design, to be given in mm. So mm must not be explicitly specified. For your case, it will be:

      squareSize = 3;

      Now run it with:

      cameraCalibrator(imageFolder, squareSize) 

    Note that you can also just enter cameraCalibrator which lets you choose the images and square size in GUI.


    After selecting images, the following window appears which also lets you to choose the square size in different units:

    square size