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React-router doesn't remount component on different paths

I have a component in my react app which is a form. The form is used to create new licenses OR edit existing licenses. Either way it is only one component and it checks on componentDidMount() which "pageType" (add/update) it is. Now to my problem, when I'm using the form to edit a license (licensee/:id/edit) and I’m clicking the button which is bidet to create a new license (licensee/add), it will not remount the component. It will change the URL but all the preloaded data is still in the form.

  LicenseeForm = Loadable({
    loader: () => import('./license/LicenseeForm'),
    loading: 'Loading..'

render() {
    return (
          <LoginRoute exact path="/" component={this.LoginView}/>
          <LoginRoute exact path="/login" component={this.LoginView}/>
          <PrivateRoute exact path="/licensees/add" component={this.LicenseeForm}/>
          <PrivateRoute exact path="/licensees/:id/update" component={this.LicenseeForm}/>
          <Route path="*" component={this.NotFoundPage}/>

const PrivateRoute = ({component: Component,}) => (
    render={props =>
      authService.checkIfAuthenticated() ? (<Component {...props} />) :
              pathname: "/login",
              state: {from: props.location}


componentDidMount() {
    const locationParts = this.props.location.pathname.split('/');
    if (locationParts[locationParts.length-1] === 'add') {
      this.setState({pageType: 'add'});
    } else if (locationParts[locationParts.length-1] === 'update') {
      this.setState({pageType: 'update'});


This is how it works now:

          <PrivateRoute exact path="/licensees/add" key="add" component={this.LicenseeForm}/>
      <PrivateRoute exact path="/licensees/:Id/update" key="update" component={this.LicenseeForm}/>


  • If you do need a component remount when route changes, you can pass a unique key to your component's key attribute (the key is associated with your path/route). So every time the route changes, the key will also change which triggers React component to unmount/remount.