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How to list mongodb collections in R

I have been trying to list collections within a mongo database in R. I have realized that this feature is still in the to do list in the mongolite package ( There seemed to be a package, rmongodb, which did the trick (Unable to see all collections from a mongodb remote server using mongolite). However, it is no longer a part of CRAN.

Can anyone, please, suggest a way to list all collection in a database?

The mongodb is remote, so I guess using the mongoshell with combination with system() is not an option. At least not a straightforward one.



  • The solution I came up with is the following:

    ListMongoCollections <- function(db, mongoConString) {
      result <- system(glue::glue(
        mongo --host <<mongoConString>> --eval \"
            function(v, i) {if (v.valueOf() === '<<db>>') {
        .open = "<<",
        .close = ">>"
        intern = T
      collections <- result %>% stringr::str_detect("%%%")
      result <- result[collections] %>% 
        stringr::str_split(pattern = "%%%", simplify = T) %>% 