I am having an compile error while trying to build my Windows Forms Project.
After import I had to re-reference the "Include Directorys" in the (project)Settings->VC++ Directories
These 2 solutions work but Im trying to have one solution instead of 2 ( them toghether. After import I had to re-reference the "Include Directorys" in the (project)Settings->VC++ Directories
And now I am getting this error:
Error: LNK1181 cannot open input file
"C:\SDK\Bin\x64 Release\\VS2017-PC.lib"
There are 3 problems with this link:
It contains a double backslach
It has a folder that is missing (C:\PC)
There is the name "Release" instead of debug
The path should look like this:
'C:\PC\SDK\bin\x64 debug\VS2017-PC.lib'
I think it is because my folder "x64 debug" contains a space and is creating this error. But I dont know how to rename and refresh the paths correctly inside the solution and I dont even know if that would really fix this error.
Image of project Property Pages
The solution was to create the missing folder. For some reason Visual studio didnt create "x64 debug" in the right directory.