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How to implement pagination with akka-streams

I need to process large file by lines and do some heavy work (on 4 core cpu) on every item, I think code correct:

implicit val system = ActorSystem("TestSystem")
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
import system.dispatcher

val sink = Sink.foreach[String](elem => println("element proceed"))

  .via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), 64).map(_.utf8String))
  .mapAsync(4)(v =>
    //long op
    Future {
      "updated_" + v

But I want to have output like:

100 element proceed
200 element proceed
300 element proceed
357 element proceed. done

How to implement it?


  • You can use Flow.grouped:

    val groupSize = 100
    val groupedFlow = Flow[String].grouped(groupSize)

    This Flow can now be injected before or after your mapAsync:

          .via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), 64).map(_.utf8String))