I'd like to add an extension to array of arrays to retrieve an Element
with the IndexPath of size 2:
let array: [[String]] = ....
let indexPath = IndexPath(indexes: [0, 0])
let string = array[indexPath]
I'm getting an error cannot assign through subscript subscript is get-only while implementing the following extension:
extension Array where Element : Collection, Element.Index == Int {
subscript(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Element.Iterator.Element {
get {
return self[indexPath.section][indexPath.item]
set {
self[indexPath.section][indexPath.item] = newValue
What is the reason for such an error? How can I add a mutation option to the subscript?
In order to mutate the nested arrays you have to require that
Element : MutableCollection
instead of Element : Collection
You can also define two extensions: a read-only subscript for read-only collections, and a read-write subscript for mutable collections:
extension Collection where Index == Int, Element : Collection, Element.Index == Int {
subscript(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Element.Iterator.Element {
return self[indexPath[0]][indexPath[1]]
extension MutableCollection where Index == Int, Element : MutableCollection, Element.Index == Int {
subscript(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Element.Iterator.Element {
get {
return self[indexPath[0]][indexPath[1]]
set {
self[indexPath[0]][indexPath[1]] = newValue