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difference yap and swi-prolog reading canonical lists

I have the following test code trying to read file into a list

open('', read, Stream),
length(TrainXs, MaxTrain).

I will omit part of the output due to the file is quite large.

It works well with yap,

➜  chill git:(master) ✗ yap                                                      [18/06/19| 5:48PM]
% Restoring file /usr/lib/Yap/startup.yss
YAP 6.2.2 (x86_64-linux): Sat Sep 17 13:59:03 UTC 2016
   ?- open('', read, Stream),                                                           
      read(Stream, train_xs(TrainXs)),                                                                     
      length(TrainXs, MaxTrain).
MaxTrain = 225,
Stream = '$stream'(3),
TrainXs = [[parse([which,rivers,run,through,states,bordering,new,mexico,/],answer(_A,(river(_A),traverse(_A,_B),next_to(_B,_C),const(_C,stateid('new mexico')))))],
<omited output>

But on swi-prolog, it will produce Type error

➜  chill git:(master) ✗ swipl                                                     [18/06/19| 7:24PM]
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 7.6.4)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for legal details.

For online help and background, visit
For built-in help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).

?- open('', read, Stream),    
   read(Stream, train_xs(TrainXs)),                                                                     
   length(TrainXs, MaxTrain).
    Type error: `list' expected, found `parse(which.(rivers.(run.(through.(states.(bordering.(new.(mexico.((/).[])))))))),
    <omited output>
,answer(_67604,(state(_67604),next_to(_67604,_67628),const(_67628,stateid(kentucky))))).[].(parse(what.((is).(the.(largest.(state.(capital.(in.(population.((?).[])))))))),answer(_67714,largest(_67720,(capital(_67714),population(_67714,_67720))))).[].[]))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))' (a compound)
      [10] throw(error(type_error(list,...),context(...,_67800)))
       [7] <user>

    Note: some frames are missing due to last-call optimization.
    Re-run your program in debug mode (:- debug.) to get more detail.

What might be the problem for the error here?

File can be found from the ftp url below, if you'd like to try it.

Thank you for the help!

I am trying to migrate an earlier code to SWI-Prolog, which was written in SICStus 3 #3: Thu Sep 12 09:54:27 CDT 1996 or earlier by Raymond J. Mooney All the questions with this tag are all related to this task. I'm new to prolog, helps and suggestions are welcomed!


  • The was apparently written using canonical notation. The traditional list functor is ./2 but SWI-Prolog 7.x changed it to '[|]'/2 in order to use ./2 for other purposes. This results in the the variable TrainXs being instantiated by the read/2 call to a compound term whose argument is not a list:

    ?- open('', read, Stream), read(Stream,train_xs(TrainXs)).
    Stream = <stream>(0x7f8975e08e90),
    TrainXs = parse(which.(rivers.(run.(through.(states.(bordering.(... . ...)))))), answer(_94,  (river(_94), traverse(_94, _100), next_to(_100, _106), const(_106, stateid('new mexico'))))).[].(parse(what.((is).(the.(highest.(point.(... . ...))))), answer(_206,  (high_point(_204, _206), const(_204, stateid(montana))))).[].(parse(what.((is).(the.(most.(... . ...)))), answer(_298, largest(_300,  (population(_298, _300), state(...), ..., ...)))).[].(parse(through.(which.(states.(... . ...))), answer(_414,  (state(_414), const(..., ...), traverse(..., ...)))).[].(parse(what.((is).(... . ...)), answer(_500, longest(_500, river(...)))).[].(parse(how.(... . ...), answer(_566,  (..., ...))).[].(parse(... . ..., answer(..., ...)).[].(parse(..., ...).[].(... . ... .(... . ...))))))))).

    YAP still uses the ./2 functor for lists, which explains why it can handle it. A workaround for SWI-Prolog is to start it with the --traditional command-line option:

    $ swipl --traditional
    ?- open('', read, Stream), read(Stream,train_xs(TrainXs)).
    Stream = <stream>(0x7faeb2f77700),
    TrainXs = [[parse([which, rivers, run, through, states, bordering|...], answer(_94,  (river(_94), traverse(_94, _100), next_to(_100, _106), const(_106, stateid('new mexico')))))], [parse([what, is, the, highest, point|...], answer(_206,  (high_point(_204, _206), const(_204, stateid(montana)))))], [parse([what, is, the, most|...], answer(_298, largest(_300,  (population(_298, _300), state(...), ..., ...))))], [parse([through, which, states|...], answer(_414,  (state(_414), const(..., ...), traverse(..., ...))))], [parse([what, is|...], answer(_500, longest(_500, river(...))))], [parse([how|...], answer(_566,  (..., ...)))], [parse([...|...], answer(..., ...))], [parse(..., ...)], [...]|...].

    The type error you get is due to the length/2 expecting a list when the first argument is bound.