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macOS 10.14(beta) How to install Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.14_for_Xcode_10_Beta

As the Title of my question, I don't know how to install the Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.14_for_Xcode_10_Beta for my mac, please help.

What I did:

  1. run command "brew install carthage" to install the Carthage, get errors:

Error: Your Xcode (9.4.1) is too outdated. Please update to Xcode 10.0 (or delete it). Xcode can be updated from

  1. run command "xcode-select --install" in Terminal as the second answer from @Dev, but I still get the same errors after "brew install carthage";


  1. download the .dmg file from Apple site, I got too many tools after I opened it:


I've tried install the two .pkg which marked with red rectangle in the attached image, but the error still coming.


macOS 10.14 Beta
Xcode(Installed 2 versions on the Mac): 
10 (Beta), 


  • It looks like you have two versions of the xcode installed on your machine. First select the latest version of the xcode by running this command:

    sudo xcode-select -switch <path/to/>

    Once this is done, install the required command line tools but running this command:

    xcode-select --install