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QEvent::Drop not called

Here is a sample code of what I a trying to do! When I run it QEvent::Drop is never called! I even tried using viewport() and writing a piece including dragMove but nothing works.

setAcceptDrops is true for both MainWindow and ui->EditorMdiArea Help is much needed!

Thank You

 bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *pFilterObj, QEvent *event) {
    if((pFilterObj==ui->EditorMdiArea) && (event->type()==QEvent::Drag)) {
         QDragEnterEvent *devent = (QDragEnterEvent*)event;
         qDebug()<<"Here we are 1";
    //if((pFilterObj==ui->EditorMdiArea) && (QVariant(event->type()).toString()=="61")) {
    //  QDragEnterEvent *devent = (QDragEnterEvent*)event;
    //   qDebug()<<"Here we are 2";
    //  devent->accept();
    qDebug()<<"pFilterObj is "<<pFilterObj;
    qDebug()<<"event type is "<<event->type();

    if((pFilterObj==ui->EditorMdiArea) && (Qevent->type()==QEvent::Drop)) {
        qDebug()<<" Inside pFilterObj is "<<pFilterObj;
    qDebug()<<"Inside event type is "<<event->type();
        QDropEvent *devent = (QDropEvent*)event;
          qDebug()<<"Finaly Destination Reached";
    return false;


  • I got the catch! I just added

    return true

    in the

    if block of QEvent::Drag

    and it worked like a charm! Thanks everyone :-) I wil mark it as solved