I've made a REST API and I'd like to do a post request to one of the endpoints from my ESP8266, but I can't manage to do so.
The code inside the loop so far:
HTTPClient http; //Declare object of class HTTPClient
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
http.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjViMWU4MmZiOGM2MjAyMzhhODU2NDZmYyIsImlhdCI6MTUyOTEwMTc5MiwiZXhwIjoxNTI5MTE2MTkyfQ.2O6knqriuFoEW9C2JQKRlM3D0DNnzqC7e7gpidy3pWU");
The problem is that I don't know how to set the body of the request.
It should be a json with a single key called "value". For instance:
Anyone knows how to do it? Also it's probable that I should use the ip instead of "localhost".
Thanks in advance.
Use ArduinoJson
Library here. Then you can build your HTTP body.
StaticJsonBuffer<300> JSONbuffer; //Declaring static JSON buffer
JsonObject& JSONencoder = JSONbuffer.createObject();
JSONencoder["value"] = value_var;
char JSONmessageBuffer[300];
JSONencoder.prettyPrintTo(JSONmessageBuffer, sizeof(JSONmessageBuffer));
HTTPClient http; //Declare object of class HTTPClient
http.begin("API end point here"); //Specify request destination
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); //Specify content-type header
int httpCode = http.POST(JSONmessageBuffer); //Send the request
String payload = http.getString(); //Get the response payload
Then use the above sample code to encapsulate JSON and send it to the API endpoint.