I have a custom component that is using the v-client-table method from the Vue Tables 2. The table has two columns, one of which is a datetime column (format: MM/DD/YYYY h:mm A). I have it as sortable, but it doesn't sort accurately based on the time. The output of that appears like this:
As you can see, it goes from 12:09 PM to 12:30 AM. Unfortunately, this date/time format is required.
Question: is there a way to incorporate momentjs into the configuration to make this properly sort (without using a filter as it shows in the client-side-sorting documentation)?
Below is the data and options:
export const content = {
state: {
columns: ['callDateTime', 'explanation'],
tableData: [
{ callDateTime: '10/13/2017 10:09 AM', explanation: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." },
{ callDateTime: '10/13/2017 12:30 AM', explanation: "Lorem ipsum dolor" },
{ callDateTime: '10/13/2017 12:09 PM', explanation: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet },
{ callDateTime: '10/13/2017 1:15 PM', explanation: "Ut a fringilla mauris" },
{ callDateTime: '10/13/2017 1:30 PM', explanation: "Lorem ipsum dolor" }
options: {
headings: {
'callDateTime': 'Call Date/Time',
'explanation': 'Interaction Notes',
filterable: 'false',
sortable: 'callDateTime',
orderBy: { column: 'callDateTime' },
pagination: {
edge: false,
dropdown: false,
chunk: 1
sortIcon: {
down: 'arrow arrow-down',
up: 'arrow arrow-up'
perPage: '10',
texts: {
count: ''
Use can use customSorting for this
customSorting: {
callDateTime: function (ascending) {
return function (a, b) {
let dateA = new Date(a.callDateTime);
let dateB = new Date(b.callDateTime);
if (ascending)
return dateA >= dateB ? 1 : -1;
return dateA <= dateB ? 1 : -1;