I Have TestNG script that run on aws devicefarm, i want to test it on my local appium on my android devices,
Can i know how to run on my local device?
Thank you
To test an Appium test package locally, you would set the desired capabilities.
An example of what that might look like for Android is:
"platformName": "Android",
"platformVersion": "11.0",
"deviceName": "Find device name using `adb devices`",
"automationName": "uiautomator/uiautomator2",
"app": "/path/to/my.apk"
Here is a link to the samples that appium provides on their github.
Generally speaking, you wouldn't follow this pattern for testing on Device Farm. That is; you should develop the tests locally and then test on Device Farm.
I hope this helps. Feel free to let me know if there are any additional questions.