I am making an authentication form and I would like to verify silently an email address is active on the client side. That is if the email address exists, then return true, else return false. This does not involve sending an actualy email to the address. I can do this on the server side using email-verify
package in node
, ie:
server.post('/api/verify-valid-email-silently', (req, res) => {
if (req.body && req.body.email) {
const email = req.body.email
email_verifier.verify( email, (err : string, info : any) => {
// do something
But I would like to do this on the client side so that I don't have to ping the server and pay for cloud function invocation. Again I'm looking for a free service on the client side. This is important because if I use the current "ping the server" way, someone could conceivably repeatedly enter inactive but well-formed email address and drain my bank account dry completely.
It does require a validation email, but it can be done without maintaining server-side infrastructure. I actually built a platform to do exactly that at https://clicktoverify.net/.
Essentially you just need to add our (small) javascript library to your page. Then you'll be able to send a verification email via our service and execute a client-side callback once the client verifies by clicking the link in their email.