Trying to select orders based on their current status which is stored in a another table. Keep getting all orders instead of orders filtered by current status. When status is not empty, the query should filter based on the latest status of the order which I think should be status in descending order of date of record taking the first status.
private IQueryable<order_tbl> CreateQuery(string status, int? orderId, DateTime? orderDate) {
var query = from o in context.order_tbl select o;
if (orderId.HasValue) query = query.Where(w =>;
if (orderDate.HasValue) query = query.Where(w => w.OrderDate.Equals(orderDate.Value));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) {
query = (from q in query
from s in q.order_status
.OrderByDescending(o => o.DateStatusUpdated)
.Where(w => w.Status.Equals(status))
select q);
return query;
There are more fields in the tables which I omitted for brevity.
id date customerId
1 2/1/2018 6
2 2/3/2018 5
3 2/6/2018 3
id orderId DateStatusUpdated status
1 1 2/1/2018 open
2 1 2/2/2018 filled
3 2 2/3/2018 open
4 2 2/4/2018 filled
5 3 2/6/2018 open
When searching only on 'open', the query will return orders 1,2,3 instead of just order 3. What is wrong with the query on the status?
This answer pointed me in the right direction, LINQ Query - Only get Order and MAX Date from Child Collection
Modified my query to the below.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) {
query = query
.SelectMany(s => s.order_status
.OrderByDescending(o => o.DateStatusUpdated)
.Where(w => w.Status.Equals(status))
.Select(s => s.order_tbl);