Forgive me if this is a mess, but i'm still kind of new. I need to create new variables from data in an email. I am using imaplib to read emails of work tickets on our server. I have been able to pull the data that I need from the emails, but now I have to organize it into something usable. This is the code that I used to get the data;
dataList = []
def parser(data):
# this will parse the data from ticket and create a list.
html = data
parsed = bs(html, "lxml")
data = [line.strip() for line in parsed.stripped_strings]
imapUser = "domain\\ticketemailaccount"
imapPassw = "passwordthatisused"
conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('', 993)
conn.login(imapUser, imapPassw)
print "########## SERVER LOGIN ERROR ##########"
print sys.exc_info()[1]
result, data =, '(UNSEEN)')"inbox")
ids = data[0].split() #each email has a sequential ID.
for d in ids:
result, data = conn.fetch(d, "(UID BODY.PEEK[TEXT])")
raw_email = data[0][1]
msg = email.message_from_string(raw_email)
tic = str(msg)
for i in dataList:
ticketNum = i[1] #this is a unique ID for each ticket
print ticketNum
print i
The output of this looks like this;
[u'From nobody Mon Jun 18 10:07:54 2018', u'121314151', u'WORK TICKET REQUEST', u'TICKET NUMBER:', u'181694524', u'OLD TICKET NUM:', u'Message Type:', u'Normal', u'For Code:', u'TRUCK1', u'Hours Notice:', u'72', u'Seq Num:', u'10', u'Prepared By:', u'Bob.1234', u'Call Back:', u'Work Information', u'State:', u'ZA', u'Work To Begin:', u'06/21/18 AT 10:00', u'County:', u'SOMECOUNTY', u'Update Date:', u'07/02/18 AT 00:00', u'Place:', u'GOTHAM CITY', u'Extent:', u"Add'l Addr In Remarks:", u'No']
The question I have is, how do I look over the list and create key/value pairs of two items only if the first item encountered ends with a ":", making the following item in the list the value only if it doesn't end with a ":"?
Here's one way using a for
loop with zip
L = [u'From nobody Mon Jun 18 10:07:54 2018', u'121314151', u'WORK TICKET REQUEST', u'TICKET NUMBER:', u'181694524', u'OLD TICKET NUM:', u'Message Type:', u'Normal', u'For Code:', u'TRUCK1', u'Hours Notice:', u'72', u'Seq Num:', u'10', u'Prepared By:', u'Bob.1234', u'Call Back:', u'Work Information', u'State:', u'ZA', u'Work To Begin:', u'06/21/18 AT 10:00', u'County:', u'SOMECOUNTY', u'Update Date:', u'07/02/18 AT 00:00', u'Place:', u'GOTHAM CITY', u'Extent:', u"Add'l Addr In Remarks:", u'No']
d = {}
for i, j in zip(L, L[1:]):
if i.endswith(':') and not j.endswith(':'):
d[i] = j
You can also write this as a dictionary comprehension:
d = {i: j for i, j in zip(L, L[1:]) if i.endswith(':') and not j.endswith(':')}
{"Add'l Addr In Remarks:": 'No',
'Call Back:': 'Work Information',
'County:': 'SOMECOUNTY',
'For Code:': 'TRUCK1',
'Hours Notice:': '72',
'Message Type:': 'Normal',
'Place:': 'GOTHAM CITY',
'Prepared By:': 'Bob.1234',
'Seq Num:': '10',
'State:': 'ZA',
'TICKET NUMBER:': '181694524',
'Update Date:': '07/02/18 AT 00:00',
'Work To Begin:': '06/21/18 AT 10:00'}