I have a code that display items (files) in a QlistWidget where the user click on the item and the system display its content.
when try to print the result the system display the correct row number but wrong path, where it display the first selected file path whatever you choose next
def FileListSelected(self): # Function to select the desired file from the list in the left pane
ListIterator=range(self.listWidgetPDFlist.count() -1)
for index in ListIterator:
p = pathlib.Path(self.fullPath)
print(" FILE SELECTED this is P==>{}".format(p))
oneDir = os.path.join(*p.parts[:-2])
print("FILE SELECTED this is oneDir==>{}".format(oneDir))
Item= oneDir + "\\" + self.listWidgetPDFlist.selectedItems()[index].text()
print("FILE SELECTED this is the cuurent Item =={}".format(Item))
print("current row = {}".format(self.listWidgetPDFlist.currentRow()))
return Item
Since you did not submit the complete code, I inserted your fileListSelected(self)
method into my example.
I do not know what self.fullPath
is, so I set the path of the current directory toos.getcwd()
add items
Show selected file
Try it:
import os
import pathlib
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
class Window(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Window, self).__init__(parent)
self.textEditTotalPDFnumber = QtWidgets.QTextEdit('QTextEdit')
self.listWidgetPDFlist = QtWidgets.QListWidget()
self.vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
self.btnAddItems = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
self.btnAddItems.setText('add items')
self.btnPrintItems = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
self.btnPrintItems.setText('print the total number of checked items')
### +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
self.btnShowSelectedFile = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
self.btnShowSelectedFile.setText('Show selected file')
def addItems(self):
Files = ["file1.txt", "file2.py", "file3.txt",]
self.textEditTotalPDFnumber.append("\naddItems --> Files {}".format(Files))
def ListFilesInViewer(self, Files):
for itemFile in Files:
item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(itemFile)
item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) #Unchecked
item.setText('{}'.format(str(itemFile), str(self.listWidgetPDFlist.count())))
self.listWidgetPDFlist.addItem(item) # listWidgetPDFlist
### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
def fileListSelected(self): # Function to select the desired file from the list in the left pane
ListIterator=range(self.listWidgetPDFlist.count() -1)
for index in ListIterator:
p = pathlib.Path(self.fullPath)
print(" FILE SELECTED this is P==>{}".format(p))
oneDir = os.path.join(*p.parts[:-2])
print("FILE SELECTED this is oneDir==>{}".format(oneDir))
Item= oneDir + "\\" + self.listWidgetPDFlist.selectedItems()[index].text()
print("FILE SELECTED this is the cuurent Item =={}".format(Item))
print("current row = {}".format(self.listWidgetPDFlist.currentRow()))
return Item
#p = pathlib.Path(self.fullPath)
p = pathlib.Path(os.getcwd())
self.textEditTotalPDFnumber.append("\n FILE SELECTED this is P =>`{}`".format(p))
oneDir = os.path.join(*p.parts[:-2])
self.textEditTotalPDFnumber.append(" FILE SELECTED this is oneDir =>`{}`".format(oneDir))
self.textEditTotalPDFnumber.append("listWidgetPDFlist.selectedItems =>`{}`".format(self.listWidgetPDFlist.selectedItems()))
#Item = oneDir + "\\" + self.listWidgetPDFlist.selectedItems()[index].text()
if self.listWidgetPDFlist.selectedItems():
Item = oneDir + "\\" + self.listWidgetPDFlist.selectedItems()[0].text()
self.textEditTotalPDFnumber.append(" FILE SELECTED this is the cuurent Item =>`<b>{}</b>`\n".format(Item))
#return Item
self.textEditTotalPDFnumber.append("<b>!!! NO SELECTED FILE !!!</b>\n")
def printItems(self):
checkedItem = 0
for index in range(self.listWidgetPDFlist.count()):
if self.listWidgetPDFlist.item(index).checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked:
checkedItem += 1
self.textEditTotalPDFnumber.append("\nchecked items --> {}".format(str(checkedItem)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
window.resize(600, 400)