Windows 10 Build 17134 (April 2018) has started to affect users.
It fails with the error:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied
If the software is run from the local PC it works fine.
I've tried using ADO COM objects:
String connectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=screwdriver;Integrated Security=SSPI;";
Connection cn = CreateComObject("ADODB.Connection") AS Connection;
cn.Open(ConnectionString, "", "", 0);
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied
As nobody knows, ADO is a friendly wrapper around the over-engineered OLE DB API:
String connectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=screwdriver;Integrated Security=SSPI;";
IDataInitialize dataInit = CreateComObject(CLSID_MSDAInitialize) as IDataInitialize;
IDBInitialize provider;
dataInit.GetDataSource(nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, ConnectionString, IDBInitializeSC, out provider);
provider.Initialize; //Actually opens the connection to the database
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied
Since i use Delphi, i thought it would be useless to include a CMRE using Delphi's own object wrappers around ADODB:
program W10OleDbTest;
{$R *.res}
cs: string;
conn: TADOConnection;
conn := TADOConnection.Create(nil);
conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=screwdriver;Integrated Security=SSPI;';
WriteLn('Opening connection to database using TADOConnection...');
WriteLn('Successfully connected to database using TADOConnection');
on E:Exception do
WriteLn('Exception connecting to database using TADOConnection: '+E.Message);
Writeln('Press enter to close.');
What is Windows 10 doing that it's breaking application - and how do i tell it to stop it?
Looking at the release notes from Build 17134, there are no changes related to anything like this; so i assume it is a bug.
It seems to be an unintended security feature (i.e. one that i cannot disable) that prevents applications from opening network connections if they were launched from an SMB 1 (verses SMB 2, or SMB 3) share:
| SMB Version | Result | Example of product |
| 1.5 | Fails | Windows 2000 |
| 1.5 | Fails | Synology NAS |
| 2.0 | Works | Windows Server 2008 |
| 2.1 | Works | Windows Server 2008 R2 |
Obviously it's no good that a correctly written application fails after an update to Windows.
You can get the SMB version in use by running from a Powerhell command prompt:
> Get-SmbConnection
ServerName ShareName UserName Credential Dialect NumOpens
---------- --------- -------- ---------- ------- --------
screwdriver Fizbang SOVERFLOW\ian SOVERFLOW\ian 2.0.2 6
hydrogen Contoso SOVERFLOW\ian SOVERFLOW\ian 1.5 6
It is an issue with Windows Defender, and a fix is expected for later in June (2018).
If an application is run from an SMBv1 share, with Windows Defender installed, the application will not be allowed to open socket connections.
Microsoft has acknowledged this a a "hot issue":
- Symptom: Some users running Windows 10 version 1803 may receive an error "An invalid argument was supplied" when accessing files or running programs from a shared folder using the SMBv1 protocol.
- Workaround: Enable SMBv2 or SMBv3 on both the SMB server and the SMB client, as described in KB2696547.
Microsoft is working on a resolution that will be available later in June.
You can also workaround the issue by installing a different anti-virus product. If you install another anti-virus product, Windows Defender will disable itself, and you can run your applications.
Note: Disabling Windows Defender will not be sufficient, as it doesn't actually disable Windows Defender. You have to install another AV before Windows Defender will actually disable itself.
Microsoft has released a fix in OS Build 17134.137:
June 26, 2018โKB4284848 (OS Build 17134.137) (archive)
- Addresses an issue where some users may receive an error when accessing files or running programs from a shared folder using the SMBv1 protocol. The error is "An invalid argument was supplied".
Installed KB4284848, rebooted, and confirmed it fixes it.