I know there is already an answer for my problem here : bitbake recipe - doing a simple copy of the image
I also want to copy files but I have this error when trying to compile my recipe :
gcc: error: none: No such file or directory
Removing the line :
inherit allarch
Won't cause me any problem, but apparently I need it to copy my files...
Here is my recipe :
DESCRIPTION = "My description"
#To prevent the LICENSE field not set
PR = "r1"
SRC_URI = "file://main.c \
file://foo_update.sh \
file://foo.service \
S = "${WORKDIR}/"
FILES_${PN} += "/script"
inherit allarch
do_compile() {
${CC} ${WORKDIR}/main.c -o fooupdate
do_install() {
install -m 0755 -d ${D}${bindir} ${D}/script
install -m 0755 ${S}/fooupdate ${D}${bindir}
install -m 0755 ${S}/foo_update.sh ${D}/script
install -m 0755 ${S}/foo.service ${D}/script
What am I doing wrong ?
Thank you for your help !
Find the solution thanks to this question : bitbake recipe for copying folder, subfolders for yocto
Remove inherit allarch
and instead of using install -m 0755
for the files you want to copy:
install -m 0755 ${S}/foo_update.sh ${D}/script
install -m 0755 ${S}/foo.service ${D}/script
Use cp
cp ${S}/foo_update.sh ${D}/script
cp ${S}/foo.service ${D}/script
Complete recipe :
DESCRIPTION = "My description"
#To prevent the LICENSE field not set
PR = "r1"
SRC_URI = "file://main.c \
file://foo_update.sh \
file://foo.service \
S = "${WORKDIR}/"
FILES_${PN} += "/script"
inherit allarch
do_compile() {
${CC} ${WORKDIR}/main.c -o fooupdate
do_install() {
install -m 0755 -d ${D}${bindir} ${D}/script
install -m 0755 ${S}/fooupdate ${D}${bindir}
cp ${S}/foo_update.sh ${D}/script
cp ${S}/foo.service ${D}/script