I'm a noobie of PHP and AngularJS.
I have a webpage that communicates to a web serves with PHP - AJAX. It queries a database, and echoes the result (a big table) in an html placeholder.
I want to print the content of that table in a downloadable PDF file when the user pushes a button.
I want to use PDFmake and now it works well for test purpose, but how can I pass that content of my table to AngularJS' app? Maybe should I pass table's id to docDefinition content? In that case I don't know how to do that.
Note: Maybe my approach is uncorrent cause I have to relegate PHP to different tasks and use AngularJS to query the Database, but for now I want to mantain this approach.
Thank You
I suggest you use an angular service (as explained in the docs )
var bigTableApp = angular.module('bigTable',[])
bigTableApp.factory('BigTableSrv', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource('URL_to_php_backend', {}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
params: {param1: 'value 1', param2: 'value 2'},
isArray: true
Then, you can use it in a controller to fetch data from the back-end and build a table structure in PDFmake's table format:
bigTableApp.controller('BigTableController', ['$scope', 'BigTableSrv',
function BigTableController($scope, BigTableSrv) {
$scope.bigTable = BigTableSrv.query();
$scope.pdfMakeTable = {
// array of column widths, expand as needed
widths: [10, *, 130],
body: []
$scope.printTable = function() {
pdfMakeTable.body = $scope.bigTable.map(el => {
// process each element of your "big table" to one line of the
// pdfMake table, size of return array must match that of the widths array
return [el.prop1, el.prop2, el.prop3]
// create the pdfMake document
let docDefinition = {
content: [ pdfMakeTable ]
// print your pdf