I am trying to set up to debug an Android app on a tablet (running 6.0.1) over wifi (not over USB, because the app needs hardware plugged into the USB port).
Gone through the connection process from a Windows command prompt to get adb to talk over wifi, and that seems OK - device is recognised on
I assumed I would then be able to load and debug the app from the Android Studio UI. Wrong - "no devices present". As soon as I plug it in via USB, it shows up.
I think I must be missing a trick here - how can I get Android Studio to load and debug it over wifi?
File -> Setting -> plugins -> Browse Repositories -> (search) Android wifi ADB
Install this plugin in your Android Studio
if you want to debug your app using wifi then, the first time you have to use an USB cable and see the right side of the panel click on (Android Wifi Adb) tool, and see your device here
click on "connect" button
NOTE: Ensure that your computer and device are connected to the same WiFi network.
Then display a message "Device is connected" after you are able to debug with wifi
==================== Another Way =====================
Step 1). Open CMD
Step 2). Navigate to ADB containing folder (platform-tools)
Ex. C:\Users\dell\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools>
Step 3). Write command adb tcpip 5555
(Make Sure your device and computer both connected with the same wifi).
Step 4). Write command adb connect {Mobile IP Address}:5555
Ex. adb connect
Great Success