So I am trying to change the directory in which to load an image from based upon what content scale I should be at but I cannot figure out how to load the same image name from different directories.
int m_contentScale = [GameController getContentScale];
NSLog(@"%i", m_contentScale);
NSString* contentScalePath;
NSString* combinedPath;
CGImageRef imageReference;
switch (m_contentScale) {
case 1:
contentScalePath = @"Rush Racing/Resources/Images/SD/";
case 2:
contentScalePath = @"Rush Racing/Resources/Images/HD/";
case 3:
contentScalePath = @"/Rush Racing/Resources/Images/XHD/";
case 4:
contentScalePath = @"Rush Racing/Resources/Images/XXHD/";
contentScalePath = @"Rush Racing/Resources/Images/SD/";
combinedPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath], contentScalePath, path];
NSLog(@"%@", combinedPath);
imageReference = [[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:combinedPath] CGImage];
//if it gets to the SD folder and still cant find a suitable graphic it will search globally for the graphic.
if((m_contentScale == 1) && (imageReference == nil)){
imageReference = [[UIImage imageNamed:path] CGImage];
if(!imageReference) break;
if(m_contentScale > 1) m_contentScale--;//reduce content scale so it will go through all the folders
//smaller than it until it finds the graphic it is looking for.
}while(imageReference == nil);
My file structure looks like this:file structure
1) Create your folder structure in finder, with same image names
2) Drag root folder (Images) add to project as Create folder references
3) Use following extension or modify yourself as your needs
extension UIImage {
convenience init?(named: String, contentScale: String) {
guard let path = Bundle.main.resourcePath else { return nil }
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: fileUrl) else { return nil }
self.init(data: data)
3) Use it like
let img = UIImage(named: "Blue-Speaker.png", contentScale: "HD")
let img2 = UIImage(named: "Blue-Speaker.png", contentScale: "SD")