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ngx-datatable, trigger column sort

I'm having some problems trying to manuallky trigger sorting the rows in a ngx-datatable. The scenario is that on small devices i'm moving some of the columns from the header to a ngx-datatable-row-detail, but when i try to invoke a customSort function, the rows in the ngx-datatable is not being sorted as i would expect.

The template looks like this:

<ngx-datatable #myTable [columnMode]="'flex'"

        <ngx-datatable-row-detail [rowHeight]="'auto'" #myDetailRow>
            <ng-template let-row="row" let-expanded="expanded" ngx-datatable-row-detail-template>
                <div class="ngx-table-toogle hidden-md">
                    <div [class.visible-xs]="myCol.collapse_xs" [class.visible-sm]="myCol.collapse_sm" *ngFor="let myCol of _collapsedTableColumns">
                        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4" [class.sortable]="myCol.sortable" (click)="onCustomSort(myCol.prop,myCol.sortable)">
                            <div class="detail-row-header">
                                <span [class.sort-btn]="myCol.sortable" [class.sort-desc]="isSortedBy(myCol.prop,'desc')" [class.sort-asc]="isSortedBy(myCol.prop,'asc')"></span>
                        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
                            <span class="detail-row-data">{{getVal(row,myCol.prop)}}</span>

And the onCustomSort method like:

 onCustomSort(sortCol: string, sortable:boolean) {
        if (!sortable)

        let curdir = this.listProps.currentSort[0].dir === SortDirection.desc ? SortDirection.asc : SortDirection.desc;
        // Hmm, doesn't trigger a resorting of the table.
        this.listProps.currentSort = [{ prop: sortCol, dir: curdir }];
        this.table.sorts = this.listProps.currentSort;


I would expect that modifying this.listProps.currentSort would trigger a resort of the table because it is bound to [sorts]="listProps.currentSort" but nothing happens.

Any ideas?


  • Actually the solution was super simple, just had to add

    this.table.onColumnSort({ sorts: this.listProps.currentSort });

    to the onCustomSort method so it now looks like this:

    onCustomSort(sortCol: string, sortable:boolean) {
        if (!sortable)
        let curdir = this.listProps.currentSort[0].dir === SortDirection.desc ? SortDirection.asc : SortDirection.desc;
        this.listProps.currentSort = [{ prop: sortCol, dir: curdir }];
        this.table.onColumnSort({ sorts: this.listProps.currentSort });