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draw an arrow head HummusJS

How can I draw an arrowhead in hummusJS? I am using hummus for drawing in pdf. I need to draw an arrow in pdf. I am able to draw the line. But how can I draw an arrowhead? I tried the following

if(x2 > y2)
                a1 = x2-5;
                b1 = y2-5;
                a2 = x2-5;
                b2 = y2+5;
                a3 = x2+5;
                b3 = y2;
                a1 = x2-5;
                b1 = y2+5;
                a2 = x2+5;
                b2 = y2+5;
                a3 = x2;
                b3 = y2-5;                

 cxt.drawPath(a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3,{type: 'fill',
            color: '#000000'})

I tried like this also

      var d =5;
            a1 = x2-d*Math.sin(45);
            b1 = y2-d*Math.cos(45);
            a2 = x2+d*Math.sin(45);
            b2 = y2+d*Math.cos(45);
cxt.drawPath(x2,y2,a1,b1,{type: 'fill',
                color: '#000000'})
cxt.drawPath(x2,y2,a2,b2,{type: 'fill',
                color: '#000000'})

But this is not drawing arrowhead in the correct position here is the image enter image description here


  • Based on answers from this question: How to calculate the coordinates of a arrowhead based on the arrow? particularly the accepted one:

    You can calculate the coordinates needed using vector arithmetic:

    function arrowhead(A, B) {
        var h = 10 * Math.sqrt(3);
        var w = 10;
        var d = {x: B.x - A.x, y: B.y - A.y};
        var length = Math.sqrt(d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y);
        var U = {x: d.x/length, y: d.y/length};
        var V = {x: -U.y, y: U.x};
        return [
            {x: B.x - U.x*h + V.x*w, y: B.y - U.y*h + V.y*w},
            {x: B.x - U.x*h - V.x*w, y: B.y - U.y*h - V.y*w}

    h and w determine the length and half-width. The function returns two points: the ends of the arrowhead.

    Usage Example:

    var startPoint = {x:100, y:100};
    var endPoint = {x:200, y:200};
    var arrowPoint = arrowhead(startPoint, endPoint);
    // draw line
    cxt.drawPath(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
    // draw arrow head
    cxt.drawPath(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, arrowPoint[0].x, arrowPoint[0].y, arrowPoint[1].x, arrowPoint[1].y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y, {type: 'fill', color: '#000000'});