I want to read series of DICOMs images and rendering them into a 3d volume. For this purpose I am using this code except that I used:
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDICOMImageReader> reader =
to read my DICOM series. I read DICOM successfully but in rendering step I have these Errors:
Generic Warning: In F:\VTK-
8.1.0\Source\Rendering\Core\vtkRenderWindow.cxx,line 43
Error: no override found for 'vtkRenderWindow'.
Generic Warning: In F:\VTK-
8.1.0\Source\Rendering\Core\vtkPolyDataMapper.cxx, line 28
Error: no override found for 'vtkPolyDataMapper'.
Warning: In F:\VTK-
8.1.0\Source\Rendering\Core\vtkInteractorStyleSwitchBase.cxx, line 43
vtkInteractorStyleSwitchBase (0000000000283740): Warning: Link to
vtkInteractionStyle for default style selection.
Generic Warning: InF:\VTK_8.1.0\Source\Rendering\Core\vtkRenderer.cxx,line55
Error: no override found for 'vtkRenderer'.
I added these lines befor main function:
#include "vtkAutoInit.h"
VTK_MODULE_INIT(vtkRenderingOpenGL2); // VTK was built with
But now the error is:
Generic Warning: In F:\VTK-
8.1.0\Source\Rendering\Volume\vtkRayCastImageDisplayHelper.cxx, line 20
Error: no override found for 'vtkRayCastImageDisplayHelper'.
What should I do? Any help would be welcome
It was looking for vtkOpenGLRayCastImageDisplayHelper, in vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2. By linking program to vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2 the error will disappear.