I have upgraded my instance from EC2 T2.Medium to T2.Large. However, I do not see any change in the available disk space. How do I get more space? I am using Ubuntu 16.04. Do I need to execute any Linux shell commands?
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is network-attached disk storage that is (normally) used as Boot Disks and Storage Disks. The size of the disk volume is independent from the Instance Type. In fact, disks can be detached from one instance and attached to another one, so they are also independent of the EC2 instance itself.
There is another storage type called Amazon EC2 Instance Store that is directly attached to the host computer and does vary by Instance Type. However, the T2 family of EC2 instances does not have Instance Store.
Bottom line: If you want to resize a disk, do it directly to the EBS disk itself.
See: Modifying the Size, IOPS, or Type of an EBS Volume on Linux - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud