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Modular testing requirement file Node.js

I cannot think of a proper way to ask Google this... I want to create a modular file for testing requirement files so I do not have to constantly require chai, require sinon, require etc on each page... maybe my coffee isn't strong enough but I know before that export can work I need to destructure it all into an object... I just have all the const chai = require('chai');, etc. on one page and just want to be able to module.exports = { testRequirements }; and import that where I need it... Direct me, oh wise devs!


  • I’m not connected to a dev environment to test, but what about:

    const chai = require('chai');
    var testRequirements = {
    module.exports = testRequirements; 

    Then you should be able to import testRequirements and refer to testRequirements.mocha etc...